Today I will introduce an Inflatable Human Table Football, the size is 12m(L)x6m(W)x1.2m(H) or 39ft(L)x20ft(W)x4ft(H). The colors are generally red and blue. This game is to simulate a football field, but it is more convenient, cheaper and safer than a football field. There are intervals between the side walls on both sides, which are used to put steel pipes. There are five pipes in total. During the game, players are divided into two teams, put on vests of different colors, stand behind the steel pipe, grab the cover on the steel pipe with both hands, do not allow it to loosen, and can walk left and right. Players of two teams scramble for a soccer ball and score one point for kicking the ball into the opponent’s goal. After the game time is over, whichever team scores the most points wins.
For advertising purposes, manufacturers can print advertisements for you on the side. If you want replaceable ads, you can do with felt buttons.
When using the Inflatable Human Table Football, be sure to fix it well and fix it on the ground with an iron drill.

By admin

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