Inflatable Bumper Ball is an all-time popular inflatable outdoor game. The best material is 1.0mm TPU, which is more expensive. The cheapest material is PVC. The regular size is 1.5m in diameter, suitable for adults to play. Of course, you can also customize a small size for children to play with, which can be 1.2 meters in diameter.
The color is transparent, and the color of the anchor point inside can be chosen at will, generally blue is more. The ball is double-layered, with ropes attached to the anchor points, two handles on the inside of the ball, and a safety belt. The player stands inside the ball, straps the seat belt around his waist, and holds the handle with both hands. Players must wear helmets and knee pads to ensure their own safety. Players collide with each other, knocking each other down to win.

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